If you love your house or the place you live, you don’t want to see it get ruined. Right? Many things can damage your house, but one of the biggest causes is water damage. Water damage cannot be overlooked because a few minutes of running water can start ruining your house. In this article, you’ll learn how to protect your house from water damage.

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Clean The Gutters And Downspouts: Clean the gutters of your house after every few weeks to prevent any water blockage. The major reason for gutter water blockage is grasses, weeds, moss, etc., because they get stuck easily. Whenever you decide to clean the gutter, just make sure that you thoroughly clean it.

If the gutters are clean, at the time of heavy rainfall or floods, the water can easily flow through it and will be sent away from your home. You should also clean the downspouts every week. They get blocked very easily – that’s why you should be sure that they are properly cleaned and maintained.

Also Read: 12 Black Gutters on House Ideas: Make Your House Stand Out!

Inspect The Roof: The roof is the first defense of your house and it should be well maintained. Check the roofing system of your house every week. Make sure that there are no torn, cracks, missing pieces etc. If there’s any leakage in the roof, the water can easily enter your house and start damaging it.

Take a ladder and climb on the roof every week to see if everything is all right. If you are scared of heights or don’t want to do this work on your own, contact your local roofing company for an annual inspection. Also, if you get notified about any storm, contact the roofing company, so that they can check the roof again for safety measures.

Search And Fix Leaks: Always have a lookout for pipe leaks. Pipe leaks can be both expensive and damaging. If you cannot track the place of leakage, water will continuously leak, and it will cost you money, and the dripping water will damage the walls of your house. The signs of water leakage can be dark and damp spots on the floors, walls, and ceilings. If you see anything like these, search the nearby area. There’s a chance of water leakage.

Disconnect The Hoses: Disconnect when the hoses are not being used, especially in winter. In severe cold temperatures, the water in the hose can start freezing, which can cause water blockage. But in the worst scenario, the pipes can bust and damage the floor and walls. In cold temperatures, disconnect the hoses from faucets, refrigerators, washing machines, etc., to prevent your house from any water damage.

Water Main: Shut off the water main if any pipe gets damaged and water starts leaking or flowing. The flowing water can easily start damaging the walls, floors, and ceilings in a few minutes.

Maintain The Sump Pump: Sump pumps are common in houses with basements to keep your basement from flooding after rain. If you need expert services to maintain the sump pump, you might want to check out sump pump repair in Cincinnati, OH

Install Water Leak Detection Devices: Water leak detection devices are relatively inexpensive and can save a lot of money. They can monitor when water is being leaked from a pipe and will alarm you. These early alarms will help you save a lot of money in the future.