If you’re planning a long vacation and worried about what will happen to your home, there are steps you can take to prepare for a long absence. Follow this best digital nomad packing list and here’s how to do that without making it obvious that you’re leaving:

Evaluate your home insurance policy.
- Evaluate your home insurance policy. If you are planning an extended trip, it’s time to check the terms of your current coverage. Most policies include a “vacation hold,” which means that you can suspend payment for up to 30 days while you’re away from home. But it’s important to know what is and isn’t covered during this period—for example, if a storm damages your roof or window screens during the vacation hold period, most policies won’t reimburse you unless they’ve been damaged by wind storms in the past (known as “pre-existing conditions”).
- Find an insurance agent and ask for help with finding the best policy for your needs. Agents will be able to compare different companies’ rates based on factors like location and age of home so that you can get an idea of which companies will offer competitive prices without sacrificing quality coverage.
Check the electrical and plumbing systems
Check the electrical and plumbing systems. If you want to be sure that your home is in good shape, it’s important to check for any loose wiring or frayed cords. You might need a hydraulic crimping tool if you need to fix it. You should also look for leaks in the plumbing and broken faucets, as well as burst pipes. Make sure all of your circuit breakers are working properly.
Clean out the refrigerator
Clean out the refrigerator:
- Remove all perishable foods from the refrigerator and freezer.
- Vacuum off food particles from the shelves and racks with your vacuum cleaner.
- Wash down each shelf with a sponge that has been dipped in warm, soapy water; rinse thoroughly when finished.
- Wipe any spills or sticky residue off of the inside of the door with a damp cloth (or if there is an excessive mess, use a vinegar-soaked towel to wipe it down).
Put a hold on your mail and newspaper subscriptions
If you are leaving your home for an extended period (or if you have any reason to think that a delivery person might not be able to access your mailbox), it’s best to put a hold on your mail and newspaper subscriptions. This can be done online, over the phone, or in person at the post office.
While many people believe these services should stop upon moving out of their home, this is not always necessary or even recommended. If you are going to be gone for less than a year, it may make more sense to simply put a hold on your mail instead. In case of emergencies (like when there is no one else at home), postal workers will still deliver certain items like medication refills and payment notices returned due to insufficient postage, but they won’t leave anything else unless it’s addressed directly to “Anybody.”
Assign someone to check in on your home
There are a few ways you can go about this. It would be great if you could find a neighbor or friend who would be willing to check in on your home, but if you don’t know anyone available, try hiring a professional. Home security companies often have people on staff that will come by the house and make sure everything looks good. They’ll take pictures of any damage or issues so that when you come back from vacation, there won’t be any surprises waiting for you!
You’ll likely want them to check in every couple of weeks or so unless there’s an emergency (in which case they should call 911). Make sure they know what doors they should use when entering the house and where keypad codes/fobs are located just in case something happens while no one is home (like if someone breaks into your home).
Also, let them know how often they should change light bulbs around the house—you probably won’t want them doing this every time they check in because it’s easy enough for anyone with basic DIY skills (or even just asking around) but if something goes wrong with one bulb it could cause problems elsewhere in the system too quickly lead up needing major repairs down the road without proper maintenance first
You can prepare your home for a long trip without making it obvious that you are leaving.
You can prepare your home for a long trip without making it obvious that you are leaving.
- Check your home insurance policy. If there is anything you need to add, do so before you leave. If a natural disaster strikes while you are gone and causes significant damage to your property, this could be costly. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
- Check the electrical and plumbing systems. Make sure they are in proper working order, particularly if any old components may have been installed incorrectly or may have worn out over time (for example old appliances).
- Clean out the refrigerator and freezer before leaving on vacation so any food does not spoil when left unrefrigerated for an extended period – especially if this happens unexpectedly as opposed to during planned visits from family/friends who want access inside when away from town themselves during summer break!
- Put a hold on all mail delivery except for important documents like Medicare cards or passports until after the return from vacation since these will most likely arrive at the house anyway even though left empty during absence according
Preparing your home for an extended vacation doesn’t need to be difficult. With the tips we’ve covered here, you can make sure that everything is in order before you go so that when you come back no surprises are waiting for you—and no need for panic!