4 Dangers of Dirty Pool Every Swimmer Should Be Wary of

A lovely time at the pool is a delight you crave for. It’s a way of getting away from the scorching summer. It tones your muscles and keeps your heart working well.

Like everything else, swimming has negatives, especially when done in a dirty pool. Drowning and other submersion injuries are well known. Some other dangers associated with swimming pools are less noticeable.

It’s a myth that a pool filled with chlorinated water is clean and has no germs. Before you dive into any water, you want to be sure it’s clean to avoid any of the following pool problems.

4 Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

High Risk of Getting Diarrhea

It’s a common belief that Diarrhea is a stomach upset you can only get from contaminated foods. You are at risk of Diarrhea when you step into a dirty pool. This is because the same germs that contaminate the foods and cause Diarrhea and cholera can infect water.

Swallowing a tiny amount of water from an infected pool is enough to set up your stomach for moments of a rollercoaster ride. Water-infested germs can stay alive in the body for three to five days, causing infections that can last for weeks.

Respiratory Problems Can Ensue

If you’re suffering from pulmonary issues or breathing disorders, make the cleanliness of swimming pools your priority before diving in. When a pool is contaminated, germs like the bacterium Legionella can hide in the nooks and crevices before dispersing to the entire pool—ingesting pool water contaminated with this germ spells breathing trouble.

Young children, elderlies above 50, pregnant women, and people with low immunity should be very cautious. It can lead to a fatal health problem. If you have a feeling of exposure, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

It Harbors Cryptosporidium

Cryptosporidium is a germ that is highly resistant to chlorine. Even when a pool is well chlorinated, it can live for days. It takes a thorough pool cleaning with the right tools and chemicals to get rid of cryptosporidium and other chlorine-resistant organisms in swimming pools.

This problem is common to outdoor and general pools. People who accidentally ingest a gulp of water will have to deal with infections like vomiting, fever, and stomach ache. To eliminate crypto from a pool, chlorination is not enough. It’s better to contact a specialist pool cleaner. 

Also Read: 4 Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is Disgusting

An athlete’s foot is an infection of the foot caused by fungi. It affects the middle of the first and second finger and can spread to other foot parts. It is noticeable by cracks in the skin or spicy lesions. 

It spreads by contact within swimming pools and other wet places. Sometimes, it can be chronic with frequent recurrences. Therefore, ensuring that you swim in hygienic water is essential for the prevention of athlete’s foot. In addition, you can treat athlete’s feet with creams, so it’s not as severe as the others. 


A dirty swimming pool is the easiest thing you can have in your backyard. With proper precautions and regular maintenance, you can clean your pool and avoid the aforementioned dangers. Don’t risk your health. Consult a professional pool cleaner today.