Hurricanes develop over warm ocean waters and are large storm systems. Hurricanes form when air pressure builds above the surface of the water, causing the water temperature to rise. This causes instability within the atmosphere, which leads to thunderstorms and rain.
There is no denying the power of hurricanes. They can cause massive property damage and even kill thousands of people. There has been an increase in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes over the past few years. So are you wondering what you need to do if a hurricane hits your area? Here are the ten things you need to consider if a hurricane hits your locality.
- Stay Away From Floodwater
When a hurricane hits a locality, the water level rises and floods the area. Floodwaters can contain bacteria and other contaminants that can make people sick. So you should avoid contact with flood waters until the cleanup crews arrive.
Flooding is a major problem for homeowners and businesses alike, especially those living near waterways. If you live in an area prone to flooding, it’s important to take precautions before, during, and after a storm to stay safe.
- Don’t Go Near Damaged Buildings
Hurricanes are extremely dangerous natural disasters. They can destroy buildings, especially ones that had been unstable and unsafe anyway. Therefore, you should avoid entering unstable buildings during hurricane season.
You should always take precautions before going into a building during a hurricane. If you are unsure whether or not a storm is approaching, check the weather forecast. Also, stay away from windows and doors.
If your house is also damaged by a hurricane and is covered in debris, you can look for a service like a surge debris removal service. They can assist in removing debris from in front of your house or area.
- Wet Electrical Device Can Be Dangerous
During hurricanes, it’s common that your house may be flooded especially for those living near water. If your house is flooded, there are chances that your electrical devices get wet.
Wet electrical devices can cause electrical shock and even start a fire. Make sure you dried them up fully before plugin them into electrical cords. The best way to do this is by drying them under the sun.
- Know Where to Go for Emergency Help
Hurricanes are unpredictable natural disasters. There is no warning when they will strike. Even though they are rare, they can cause significant damage. To prepare yourself, you must know where to go for emergency help.
In addition to emergency services, there are other ways to help people affected by hurricanes. Local governments often offer free food and shelter to those who need them. Businesses can provide donations of supplies and money. And individuals can volunteer at shelters or donate blood.
- Keep a Safe Distance From Electricity Lines
When a hurricane hits, the risk of electrocution increases dramatically. If you live near a major city or highway, you should stay indoors until the storm passes.
Power outages can last weeks or even months after a hurricane has passed. Avoid touching anything that could cause an electrical shock and stay away from downed power lines.
- Keep Yourself Safe From Animals and Pests
Animals and pests can become dangerous when a hurricane strikes. The wild animal becomes violent and they can attack you anytime if they sense fear. You should always take precautions before going into a disaster area. Report any suspicious activity immediately.
On the other hand, if you have pets, you should keep them inside and away from windows. Also, make sure that pets are secured in an appropriate place that isn’t affected by the hurricane.
- Have Safe Food and Water
When hurricanes hit they can damage your water supply line. There may be times when finding fresh water may prove to be difficult. If your area is affected by a hurricane and there is no safe drinking water, you should look for help instead of drinking polluted water.
Also, don’t forget to eat safe foods, which will keep you safe from diseases and give you the strength needed to help yourself and others during such a trying period. If you are out of food, look for any charity or donation by the government or local authorities.
- Wash Your Hands Often
Maintain a regular hand washing routine to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Germs and bacteria cause illnesses such as colds, flu, stomach illness, and many other more serious illnesses.
When a hurricane hits, everything becomes polluted with dust and debris, which can spread germs, bacteria, and even viruses all around the place. If you don’t wash your hands properly, you can get an infection and even spread it to other people.
- Take Care of Any Wounds or Injuries
During a hurricane, one may get injuries or even wounds. Whether they are minor cuts or major wounds, they can cause pain and discomfort. You should always properly treat these wounds and injuries.
In the case of a suspected infection, you should always contact a doctor. It is especially important to seek medical attention if you experience fever, swelling, redness, or pain. You should also wash any wound thoroughly with antibacterial solutions. These measures can help you avoid more serious repercussions down the line.
- Maintain Your Emotional Health
The importance of emotional well-being cannot be overstated. Stress has a negative impact on our overall health. It affects our immune system, digestion, sleep patterns, and even our brain function.
In addition to physically affecting us, stress can also negatively impact our mental state, our emotions, and our spirituality. Stress triggers the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in the body. Hormones affect our blood pressure, breathing cycle, heart rate, and metabolism. Additionally, they increase anxiety and depression.
It’s normal to feel stressed when a natural disaster strikes. You can talk to your friends and relatives to divert your mind. If you feel too stressed or depressed, you should consider consulting a doctor.
Hurricanes are powerful storms that cause massive damage and destruction. They often occur during summer months in tropical regions. Cyclones, tropical depressions, and tropical storms are some of the most common types of hurricanes.
In the event of a hurricane, you and your family should be prepared against a storm. This means packing important documents, medications, and other essentials. Also, ensure that you have enough food and water supplies for at least three days. If you follow these and the other tips explained in this article, you will have a fighting chance against any impending hurricanes.