Top 7 Fast Facts About LED Lightning


LED lights are quickly gaining incredible popularity and it’s not because it gives people plenty of options to illuminate their areas, whether indoors or outdoors, it’s because it’s a very energy-efficient solution that comes at a fraction of what traditional fluorescent, CFL and incandescent light bulbs cost. 

One of the more interesting facts to note is that in 2016, the global LED lighting market accounted for $26 billion and will go up to $54 billion by 2022. And if you think those facts are interesting, wait till you see what else you can learn about LED lighting here in this article:

Big Star Lights is North America’s leading LED lights supplier

1. LED Lights Last a Long Time

LED lights can last people between 12-22 years. This means that if you installed your house’s LED lighting by the time you had a baby, you’ll be changing them only when they’re in high school or going to college. In fact, these bulbs can last about 25 times more than CFLs or common light bulbs. 

2. They’re Highly Efficiency

As mentioned earlier, LED lights are highly energy-efficient, which is the perfect solution for people who are experiencing elevating electricity costs these days. We suggest buying the GO Lighting LED light fixture which can last about 100,000+ hours. In other words, the bulb can pay for itself in about 2 years from now.

You’ll be saving about 348 TWH of power in 15 years, which is enough to power 44 large electrical power plants. In terms of money, you can cut down electricity costs by about $30 million. This makes a monumental difference in how much energy you’re using and can also boost your bottom line. 

3. LEDs Reduce Bug Infection


Incandescent light bulbs emit too much-infrared radiation or ultraviolet light which attracts bugs around people when they sleep. LED light bulbs, on the other hand, don’t emit such things and will prevent any little critters from bothering you ever again. 

4. They Are Quite Flexible

People can apply LED lighting fixtures in various ways to give the environment around them more character and ambiance. These lights can be used indoors and outdoors, with dimmers to showcase their household and other garden, patio items with directional lighting, like the flush in a wall or ceiling, pendants for focused lighting, troffer, Christmas lights and more. 

5. They Are Cool to Touch

Unlike incandescent lights, LEDs won’t burn you when you touch them. In fact, they’re quite cool to touch as they only reach 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Light bulbs can burn us because they can reach up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit. 

6. They’re Great for Horticulture

Deep blue (450nm), as well as hyper red (660nm), offer light for photosynthesis. Far-red LEDs (730nm) control the plants from germination to flowering and vegetative growth. 

7. They Won’t Shatter

When bulbs shatter to pieces without you knowing about it, it’s called thermal shock. This is what happens to CFL bulbs, but not with LED light bulbs. And if you do have incandescent or CFL bulbs and you happen to get hit by their shrapnel when they shatter, you need to go to a hospital right away to get treated not just for physical wounds but also for mercury contamination.

Also Read: Understanding LED efficiency goes hand in hand with selecting the right brightness and color temperature. Try a lumens to kelvin calculator to fine-tune your lighting setup.