How Much Should I Sell My House For?

Every seller knows what they want, and it often localizes on the best offer the buyer can put on the table. However, you find yourself in circles trying to find how much you should sell your home for. Not long enough, you find yourself listing ‘house price’ as the top priority on your to-do list. 

Here we gathered simple yet effective tips to help you start your knowledge about how you should price your home according to its rightful value.

How Much Should I Sell My House For

1. Consider Your Location

Finding the market value of your home based on location; the first initial step is taking your city or state as a consideration. You can do this with a real estate agent (if available) or on your own. Online property or estate markets can be the basis of the home’s potential price and create a value range within the price tags of other houses. 

Often, cities with high employment rates, accessible malls and public markets, and a nature background climb higher on the median home price list. During this time of the pandemic, homeowners are more attracted to houses that are located in less crowded or rural areas.

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2. Determine the Property Size

In distinguishing how big or small your property is, measuring its square feet is the best option, to begin with. Median home prices are heavily based on how many square feet the property is, and then price it according to its diameter. 

Each city or state has median home prices based on the square feet an average house has. In the United States for the year 2021, most median home price is approximately $200,000 with an estimate of $150 per square feet.

3. Check the Condition

After being mindful of the location and diameter of the estate, the next step is to recheck the condition of your home. Your home state is crucial to appeal to the buyers and be a credible reason for a price mark-up. A house that is well taken care of can be priced an additional $100,000 depending on the benchmark you want to try.

A price hike of $30,000 to each commendable asset can make your home tough competition in the market. However, in competing with other houses, be reminded to consider whether increasing the price per asset would give you a substantial list of buyers or would just become another house on the market. 

4. List Down Your Assets

Pricing a house based on the assets it can offer is also a crucial factor. Like the condition of your house, laying out the house’s assets can give an extra value. You can market your home based on the latest home trends to make it more exciting and an inquiry magnet. 

Also Read: How to Make Your Property More Attractive to Reliable Tenants?


Given that prices per home are on a case-to-case basis, it is best to know the factors that may affect your home value drastically. Establishing what needs to be improved or highlighted in marketing the home would make a big difference in closing the transaction with the price you want. We buy houses so let SnapcashOffers know if you need any help.