People have been using natural gas for decades. It is an ideal choice for those looking for an energy-efficient and affordable option for powering appliances in the home. And though it can go a long time without issue, the plumbing that supplies gas to these appliances can fail. When they do, it creates a gas leak.
Plumbers, no matter how many years of experience they have in the field, will tell you that a gas line leak is dangerous and ought to be addressed as soon as possible. Recognizing the signs of a leak can notify you sooner and call a professional for repairs. In this article, we examine the signs that point to a gas leak and what you should do if you find them.

Bubbles, Bubbles All-Around
Now, this one might surprise you, but gas leaks can contaminate underground water sources. If you come across bubbles in stagnant water like puddles or ponds, it could be an indication of a gas leak. These bubbles form due to gas escaping into the water.
This is incredibly noticeable after rain. As the air starts to escape and rush to the surface, it will have smaller bubbles. The larger the pipe damage, the greater the bubbles. So, keep an eye out for any unusual bubbling and take it seriously—it could save lives.
In combination with the bubbles you’ve noticed issues with your gas appliances or heat, these are not things to be taken lightly. In fact, we recommend contacting professionals right away for support.
Hissing or Whistling Sounds
It’s time to pay close attention. Another telltale sign of a gas leak is hissing or whistling sounds emanating from gas pipes or appliances. These sounds occur when the gas escapes from the pipelines due to cracks, loose connections, or other damages.
Should a fitting become damaged or a pipe corroded, this could allow gas to escape slowly. The escaping gas creates a high-pressure flow, resulting in audible sounds. That is why you’ll often hear a whistling sound.
If you hear any unusual noises near gas lines, meters, or appliances, it is crucial not to ignore them. Such sounds can be an indication of a potential gas leak, and you should contact a professional gas service provider immediately. Next, you should contact troutman plumbers to schedule repairs.
Decaying Plants
It can be hard if you are a plant parent to see all the hard work you did wither before your eyes. Plants inside the home that are normally healthy and seem to die overnight are cause for concern. It may not be that you did anything wrong specifically; it could have more to do with a gas leak. In an enclosed home, higher concentrations of natural gas can start to decay organic matter such as household plants and flowers.
Gas leaks not only pose risks indoors but can also affect the surrounding environment. Just as indoor plants could die from exposure to natural gas, so could vegetation outside. If things look unhealthy despite the weather being great, good watering practices, and even fertilization, it might not be you.
In fact, it’s more than likely an outside factor that you don’t have control over, including a gas line leak. If you’ve seen any vegetation dye without cause, we recommend having it looked over by a professional. The answer might surprise you.
Appliance Issues
Last on our list of possible red flags of a gas leak is having appliance issues. You may notice this before any of the other problems. Because your appliances rely on natural gas to work properly, if anything goes wrong, they won’t function either.
Typically a gas line leak will affect most of the appliances in your home, including the heating system if it operates on natural gas as well. Don’t discount your appliances not working properly. If something isn’t running the way it should and other appliances are acting up, this is a sign of an energy issue, not just the appliance in question.
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Why Does A Gas Leak Repair Matter?
You might be wondering why we are encouraging you to reach for the phone the second you notice a gas line leak. While the obvious endangerment to your house is a factor, there are other areas of concern. Gas leaks can spell disaster for any home and put you and your property at risk. But taking even a milder look at things, your appliances likely won’t be working either. Now, that can get frustrating.
Who To Hire?
Are you experiencing a gas leak after reviewing the above signs? It can be frightening to think that there is gas flowing into your home or into your yard. You could be worried that it’s gone on too long. The key is to contact a professional right away for help. You’ll need to have the gas shut off first to allow a repair person to access the pipe that is leaking.
But who should you hire? A professional plumber that is licensed and insured is your best bet. We recommend calling ahead of time or asking online if they handle gas services. Some plumbers deal strictly with water lines, while some do residential and commercial gas lines.
Final Thoughts
There is a lot to know about gas lines—just as there is to know about water lines. A leak within either can cause damage and issues inside your home. Though a gas leak can often be dangerous, there are warning signs to alert you. Should you smell rotten eggs in your home or in your yard, hear a whistle or hissing sound, or even notice plants dying in your home, you should get help right away from a professional.
Gas lines won’t repair themselves. In fact, they will generally worsen. If you’re concerned about a gas leak in your home, now is the time to call for help. Repairs aren’t as expensive as you might think, and they can be done in a short amount of time when you work with someone that knows what they are doing.