The Dos And Don’ts Of Bathroom Maintenance: Homeowner’s Edition

Maintaining a bathroom is an essential part of homeownership often overlooked until a minor annoyance becomes a significant issue. From unattended leaks that lead to mold growth to daily wear and tear on fixtures, these seemingly minor details can quickly turn into costly repairs. 

Overall, a balanced and thoughtful approach to bathroom maintenance makes a significant difference. By adhering to recommended maintenance practices and avoiding common mistakes, homeowners can ensure their bathroom remains functional, aesthetically pleasing, and, most importantly, reliable. 

This article provides a comprehensive guide on proactively preventing bathroom problems and keeping this essential part of the house in top-notch condition

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The Dos 

Do Clean Your Toilet Bowl Every Week 

Cleaning your toilet bowl weekly can prevent a multitude of problems. It helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria and harmful pathogens that cause unpleasant odors and potentially affect your health. Regular cleaning also prevents hard water stains and mineral deposits from building up over time, which can be difficult to remove if left unattended. 

While it might seem like a small task, cleaning your toilet bowl weekly shouldn’t be overlooked in any homeowner’s bathroom maintenance routine. It’s one of those little things that makes a big difference in your bathroom’s cleanliness and freshness. 

Do Keep A Squeegee In The Shower 

Keeping a squeegee in your shower and using it after each use can substantially reduce the buildup of mineral deposits and soap scum on your shower doors and walls. Over time, these buildups can lead to unsightly stains that are difficult to remove and can also become breeding grounds for mold and mildew, which could pose health risks. 

In addition, this practice also helps maintain the clarity of your shower doors, especially if they’re made of glass, contributing to your bathroom’s overall aesthetic appeal. If your shower space includes tiles, using the squeegee can help to preserve the grout by preventing long-term exposure to moisture. 

Do Clean As You Go 

Cleaning as you go essentially involves handling minor tasks immediately as they arise rather than postponing them for a later date. For example, if you notice a spill on the counter or a stain on the mirror, address it right then and there. This way, the task doesn’t accumulate, reducing the burden of larger cleaning jobs and preventing minor issues from becoming major problems. 

Another practical application of this rule is tidying up after each bathroom use. Make it a habit to hang up towels, put away toiletries, and wipe down surfaces regularly. When performed consistently, these minor tasks can significantly maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of your bathroom, making it a more pleasant space for daily use. 

This principle extends to other aspects of bathroom maintenance as well. If you notice a small leak or a loose fixture, don’t wait for it to become a bigger problem before addressing it. Prompt attention to minor repairs can prevent larger, more costly damage in the long run. 

The Don’ts 

Don’t Use Chemical Drainers To Unclog Sinks And Toilets 

Chemical drain cleaners are designed to eat through whatever is clogging the pipe, but they don’t discriminate between what’s causing the blockage and the pipes themselves. These products contain harsh substances that can damage your plumbing over time, leading to weakened pipes that are more susceptible to leaks and breaks. 

Instead of reaching for a chemical drain cleaner to unclog a bathroom sink, use a plunger or a plumber’s snake to dislodge the clog. If these methods prove ineffective, it’s better to call a professional plumber to handle the situation. This might seem like more of a hassle in the short term, but it will save you from potential pipe damage and costly repairs in the future. 

Don’t Forget To Clean Your Drains 

Neglecting your drains can lead to clogs and blockages from accumulated hair, soap scum, and other debris, hindering the normal water flow. Over time, these clogs can cause significant pressure on your pipes, potentially leading to leaks or even burst pipes. This can lead to costly repairs and potential water damage to your bathroom and home. 

Many homeowners tend to forget about the drains until they start showing signs of a problem, such as slow-draining water or unpleasant odors. However, remembering to clean your drains can significantly prevent these issues. 

Don’t Leave The Trash In For Too Long 

Bathrooms tend to generate a variety of waste, from tissue paper and empty toiletry containers to personal hygiene products. If left unattended, the waste in your bathroom bin can accumulate, leading to unpleasant odors and a less-than-clean aesthetic. Moreover, it can attract pests and become a breeding ground for bacteria, posing health risks. 

To prevent this, make a routine of regularly emptying the trash in your bathroom. The frequency depends on how much use the bathroom gets, but a good rule of thumb is to empty it at least once a week or sooner if it’s filling up quickly. It’s a small task that only takes a few minutes but significantly contributes to maintaining a fresh and clean bathroom environment. 

Final Thoughts 

The responsibility of homeownership extends far beyond acquiring the property; it includes preserving and enhancing the house’s value over time. The bathroom, often underappreciated, plays a significant role in this journey.

Consistent maintenance and inspection will ensure the longevity of your bathroom and provide a safer and more comfortable living environment for you and your family. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can transform what might seem like a daunting task into a manageable and satisfying part of homeownership.

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