How to Choose Textures for Your Kitchen Remodel

When it comes to a kitchen renovation project, you’ll want to make sure that you choose the best texture for your needs. That will help you make an attractive and functional room.

Several different wallpaper textures are available today, which challenges anyone interested in choosing wall coverings for their kitchens. 

Not only that, but people often use textured surfaces with patterned designs to complement or playoff existing patterns in the room, like tile work on the countertops or stone floors. 

How Long Does a Kitchen Remodel Take

Here Are Some Tips On Choosing Textures For Your Kitchen To Remodel

  • If possible, take paint samples from another room and apply them directly onto a small section of a kitchen wall near a corner where two different colors come together. That is usually an excellent place to start, just because of the forgiving nature of the tiled surfaces. 
  • In case you regret your decision, it will be easier to change a section than an entire room.
  • When you find that two colors look good together but aren’t sure about how they’ll go with any other colors or patterns, then try to create a few mockups using painter’s tape first. 
  • That is relatively easy to do and can help you decide if your ideas will work before making permanent changes.
  • For kitchens with backsplashes like tile work on the countertops or stove area, take samples of these materials and apply them to the wall where they meet up with another color scheme. That will give you a feel for how they’ll work in harmony.

Initial Considerations: Kitchen Textural Surface Types

You can always get advice from your local kitchen remodeling contractors when it comes to kitchen textures. When choosing kitchen textured wall surfaces, it’s helpful to consider texture in terms of two main categories: natural textures and artificial textures. 

  • Natural textures include everything from brick and wood paneling (for country kitchens) to concrete and stone (for urban kitchens). In contrast, artificial surfaces have things like “stucco” (a type of plaster) and metal.

Choosing The Natural Look

These surfaces are easier to integrate into your existing kitchen; they don’t require builders or construction crews, either. A lot of kitchen remodeling experts can also give you advice on this.

Natural textures can be instrumental if you’re trying to give an older kitchen a makeover – but you don’t want to change its character completely.

Natural Kitchen Textures

No matter what type of natural texture you choose, some things are helpful to consider before your kitchen remodeling starts.

For example, natural textures come in many colors; the color must be suitable for your kitchen. Most kitchen countertops are white or light-colored, while some floors are dark. 

  • Light walls will make a room feel larger, while darker ones will make it feel smaller – so consider what’s most important to you before choosing your color.
  • Some natural textures also come in more than one finish – for example, you can use both smooth and rough concrete in kitchens. 

Make sure that the surface is appropriate for the style of your kitchen! Some finishes are better suited to country kitchens, while others work better in urban kitchens.

Artificial Kitchen Textures

Choosing artificial, non-natural textures can give your kitchen a unique character. Artificial surfaces include metals like steel and aluminum, as well as “stucco” (a type of plaster) – and while these surfaces are not “natural,” they can still give your kitchen a rustic or elegant style.

Metal-surfaced kitchens look exceptionally sleek but may be difficult to clean – so consider the practicality of using this surface before choosing it for your kitchen.

You can also use stucco in many kitchens, particularly country ones. Soft finishes like stucco work well in warmer climates, where hard plastered surfaces might crack under pressure! It’s important to note that stucco isn’t just one uniform texture. 

Several different kinds have other appearances – including pebbledash, which looks like pressed stones into the wall to create an attractive pattern.

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Opting For The Perfect Kitchen Textures

The best way to choose kitchen textured surfaces is to think about what you like and what works for your style. If you’re trying to define a certain mood for your kitchen, these two things will help:

  1. Consider the natural/artificial divide: country kitchens usually use natural textures like wood or stone; urban kitchens use artificial materials like metal or stucco.
  1. Narrow down the type of texture you want to base on color (and its relative importance). For example, white countertops look great against dark walls, but pale ones will make a room feel larger.

It’s also important to consider practicality when choosing kitchen textured surfaces. 

Things like counters should be easy to clean and durable – while walls should look good but not require a lot of upkeep. It can also help to consider hiring kitchen remodeling services if you’re not sure which texture to use.

Think about how textures will fit into your overall design plan: if you’re trying to create a certain mood in your kitchen, using the right texture can help.

Also, consider that hard surfaces tend to be more accessible for people with disabilities to use – so if this is a concern, choose a more rigid material like concrete or metal.

It’s helpful to keep in mind all these factors when choosing designs for kitchen textured surfaces! Once you know what type of texture you want, you’ll have an easier time narrowing down your choices and picking one that works best for your style and needs.

After you’ve made your selection about textures, you will probably want to visit a nearby wallpaper store and have them help you with color advice. That is particularly helpful if you aren’t sure which colors might be the best choices for the room. 

You may even consider bringing in small samples of paint that show off some potential color combinations so that an expert can help guide you towards the wallcovering that’s going to look best when paired with these paints.

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Why Are Kitchen Textures Important?

There are many reasons to choose the right textures for your kitchen remodel project. You can use texture to create a rustic feel or give an otherwise smooth surface some interesting, varied detail to an otherwise smooth surface. 

Perhaps you want an elegant look, and that’s easy with the right texture. 

Kitchen texturing is also often practical – you can use it to hide stains or other flaws in your existing kitchen surfaces – or conceal the tools needed for cooking! 

Kitchen textured walls are not only pretty and functional; they’re 100% Eco-friendly (and suitable for real estate photos too).

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Why Go Natural? 

Your average home is usually covered in acrylics, silicones, and polyurethane products to make scuffs less visible and protect surfaces from scratches and stains. 

These products are not environmentally sustainable – and they’re even less so if you ever choose to sell your home. The last thing you want is a prospective buyer slipping and suing you for accidents due to “unsafe” surfaces!

Choosing the right textures can be difficult, but it’s well worth the effort. It’s possible to achieve just about any look with kitchen texturing, from smooth stone finishes to rough concrete walls.

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