As a homeowner, it’s advisable to inspect your home occasionally to discover areas that may need repair and maintenance. Detecting problems early enough before they progress can greatly help to save costs.
But how can you detect where there’s damage, and how do you identify the cause so you can address the problem ASAP?
Below are common problems Indiana buildings face and possible causes.

1. Attic issues
One common problem homeowners face in Indiana and elsewhere is a wet attic. If you notice water stains running from your ceiling to the walls, you probably have a damaged roof.
If your roof is damaged, it’s important to get it repaired as soon as possible. Moisture leads to mold and mildew growth, which is bad for your health.
A leaking roof will also lead to destroyed insulation and energy inefficiency. Get in touch with professionals dealing in residential roofs in Indiana to assess the situation and determine whether you should have a roof repair or replacement.
2. Cracks
Cracked walls are one of the commonest forms of damage you’ll find in homes. Most cracks are foundational issues.
Horizontal cracks which go from wall to wall occur when water pressure and unbalanced soil cause stresses in the foundation. Diagonal cracks typically result from settling foundations, such as shrinkable clay.
Note that roof issues can lead to foundation failure, so the roof is one part of your home to always inspect.
3. Cracked and Peeling paint
Peeling paint on walls most often indicates the presence of moisture. As the water gets into the wood or concrete, it breaks the paint bond with the material, resulting in cracks. That’s why paint quickly peels in bathrooms.
However, peeling paint may also result from poor practices like applying paint under conditions that do not support proper adhesion.
Some other causes of peeling paint include:
- Combining different types of paint
- Aging paint
- Heavy layering
- Painting on strange surfaces that do not bond unless the paint is specifically primed.
4. Energy inefficiency
Do you spend more than you should on your energy bills? Perhaps, you’ve discovered that your heating or air-conditioning bills have gone up, whereas your home isn’t as comfortable as it once was.
Two likely causes of energy inefficiency in the home are leaking roofs and damaged windows.
If there are gaps in your windows, air may come in and escape even when locked. This will severely impact the temperature you’re trying to achieve in your home.
If you’ve noticed some issues, such as not being able to open and close your window with ease, you’ve found the cause of your rising energy bills. It may be a damaged roof if you notice molds and moist walls in your attic. Call a professional for assessment immediately to prevent incurring further damage and cost.
5. Wood rot
Wood rot can be disastrous to a home’s structure and should be addressed immediately. One primary cause of rotting wood is moisture.
Lingering moisture will eat into the wood and weaken its texture, allowing fungi growth. Fungi further deteriorate the wood.
Termite infestation may also lead to wood rot as they feed on the timber.
If you notice termites and ants coming from holes in your home, it’s time to call a pest control professional.
Your home is probably one of your most prized possessions. Whether you own it or you’re on rent, caring for your home will ensure it remains comfortable and beautiful as the heaven it ought to be.