The Telltale Signs of a Dirty AC Filter That You Should Never Ignore

Summertime is here!

That means it’s hot outside and getting hotter by the minute. And the more the temperature continues to rise, the more important it is to stay cool inside your home. 

Keeping your AC in good condition doesn’t have to be complicated, but you must learn some basic AC unit maintenance. The key is to understand a few important signs that you might have a problem with.

A dirty AC filter can make it difficult to cool your home. Thus you need to identify the signs that your filter is ready to be replaced. 

This article takes a look at how to recognize the most common signs of a dirty AC filter every homeowner needs to know. Keep reading to discover inside for keeping your AC as cold as possible this summer.

The Telltale Signs of a Dirty AC Filter That You Should Never Ignore

Your House Isn’t Staying Cool

One of the most obvious signs that your AC filter is dirty and needs to be changed is when it’s warm inside your house.

After all, it doesn’t matter how high you turn up the AC at the thermostat if the AC isn’t able to operate efficiently. 

It’s important to understand that a clogged AC filter prevents the natural flow of cool air from the outdoor AC unit to the rest of your house’s cooling system. This makes the unit have to work harder while reducing the intended results.

Your Monthly Energy Bill Has Increased

When your AC unit isn’t running efficiently, it will actually require more energy, thus increasing your monthly energy bill. Believe it or not, the simple act of replacing a dirty filter will drastically reduce the cost of running the AC during the summer.

Also, Read The Biggest Reason Your Air Conditioning Bill Is Too High 

You’ve Noticed Dust in Your Air Vents

Pay attention to the air vents located throughout your home. When you notice a buildup of dust, this is a clear sign that something is wrong. Take the time to inspect your air filter and you will likely discover it needs to be replaced ASAP.

Your AC Unit Is Running Hot

Is your house a little warmer inside than normal? If so, go outside and place your hand on the exterior of the AC unit. You might notice it’s rather hot to the touch. When this is the case, it could be evidence that it needs a clean filter.

It’s also a good idea to have an AC repair service take a look at your unit.

Your Allergies Are Acting Up

It’s no secret that millions of homeowners suffer from allergies. This means you need to keep the air inside your home as clean as possible. 

If you’ve been sneezing more than usual lately, or you’ve noticed that your eyes are watering, this is probably a sign that a dirty filter needs to be replaced sooner rather than later.

Don’t Let a Dirty AC Filter Ruin Your Summer

When it’s hot outside, you need to stay nice and cool inside. Fortunately, these signs that you have a dirty AC filter will help your HVAC unit run efficiently no matter how brutal the summer heat might get.

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