Category HOME TIPS

Wall Art for The Basement

Wall Art for The Basement

The basement may seem like a modern convenience; remodeled to a high standard and used as a luxurious living space. But the history of basements is a long and interesting one, a history intertwined with different cultures across the world.…

How to Move Large Furniture Safely

How to Move Large Furniture Safely

Are you wondering how to move large furniture safely and effectively?  Whether you are moving to a new home or remodeling your current one, knowing how to move the large items in your home is key. While moving large, heavy,…

What To Know About Mold Removal

What To Know About Mold Removal

Mold is a fungus that develops as multi-cell filaments known as hyphae. The vast and diversified fungal species result in color and fungous appearance due to the development of hyphae.  Exposure to moldy and humid surroundings can have a range…